Author: Aimen Jehangir- Nutritionist and Writer

Step into the exciting world of health and wellness, with a hearty greeting to our nutrition expert and skilled writer! With a Masters degree in Human Nutrition and a solid background in Clinical nutrition and research, Aimen is responsible for the articles found on Nutri Insights. She has 5 years of experience in clinical nutrition where she played a crucial role in the well-being of the individuals through dietary approaches. Assessing the patients’ health conditions and nutritional needs, creating personalized meal plans to improve their health, and handling a wide range of chronic diseases and nutritional deficiencies, were some of her duties in the clinical nutrition set up. Additionally, she has an experience of 2 years as a research assistant where she participated in investigations aiming at a nutritional problem, collected the data, conducted experiments and literature reviews, and worked with multiple companies in order to provide insights to the field. Nutrition is one of her favorite topics to talk about; she is certain she can change people’s perspective about food. Aimen firmly believes in relaying factual information in an easily understandable and friendly way to capture people’s interest. Her main goal is to make the universe of nutrition enjoyable through her articles and blog posts. So, with dual experience in clinical nutrition and research assistant, and a thirst for writing, she decided to pick up her pen to impart the knowledge she gained to a relatively larger audience through this blog.

Fruits Views: 34

Health Benefits of Pomegrante

Pomegranates are one of the oldest and most revered fruits in human history, with a rich cultural and culinary heritage that spans...

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Fruits Views: 23

Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is an exotic tropical fruit that has gained widespread attention in recent years for its striking...

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Fruits Views: 34

Health Benefits of Figs

In the world of nutrition, figs stand out as delicious and nutrient-rich fruits.  Stuffed with vital vitamins, minerals, and dietary...

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Fruits Views: 21

Health Benefits of Dates

Did you know that just a handful of dates can provide up to 20% of your daily fiber intake? These are sweet and chewy fruits also known as...

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Fruits Views: 15

Health Benefits of Sushi

Sushi, a traditional Japanese dish, has gained global popularity for its unique flavors and potential health benefits. Comprised mainly of...

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Fruits Views: 20

Health Benefits of Papaya

Introducing you to papaya – a brightly colored fruit with the flavors of a tropical island famous for its delicious taste and numerous...

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Fruits Views: 18

Health Benefits of Lychee

Lychee (Litchi chinensis), a small yet vibrant tropical fruit from the soapberry family, which also boasts popular members like rambutan...

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Fruits Views: 31

Health Benefits of Longan

Longan, a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia, is a hidden gem that offers a multitude of health benefits and culinary delights. With...

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Fruits Views: 20

Health Benefits of Durian

Durian, the “king of fruits”, is a tropical treasure trove of nutrition and flavor, shrouded in a controversial reputation!...

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Fruits Views: 13

Health Benefits of Guava

The guava tree, scientifically known as Psidium guajava L., is a tropical gem that has transcended its Latin American origins, gaining...

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