Author: Saira Syed- Nutritionist and Co-Writer

Meet Saira, our co-writer for Nutri insights! A nutrition expert with an impressive academic background, she holds a masters degree from a prestigious institute. With 4 years of dedicated experience in Clinical Nutrition, she is skilled at analyzing the nutritional needs of a patient, developing customized meal plans, and providing support to handle a diverse range of health concerns. What sets her apart is not her clinical expertise, but her two years experience in the community which polished her already refined nutrition abilities. During her time in community, she helped develop programs to counsel the public on issues related to health and nutrition. Her work mainly focused around the vulnerable groups such as infants and pregnant and lactating women. Get ready to embark on a wellness journey with our dedicated and experienced writer whose passion and commitment to her field is evident through her articles.

Nutrition Articles Views: 9

What is Mineral Nutrition?

Have you ever thought about how your body obtains the vital nutrients required for optimal health? Come with me as we solve the puzzle of...

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Nuts and SeedsVegetables Views: 30

Sunflower Sprouts Nutrition: Benefits & Insights

Sunflower: Helianthus annuus, the scientific name for the sunflower, is a colorful and well-known plant that adorns fields and gardens with...

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Nutrition Articles Views: 57

How to Become an Animal Nutritionist? A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to a world where our feathered, scaly, and furry friends also need the key to a happy, healthy life—it’s not just a human...

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Dairy ProductsNutrition Articles Views: 119

Chicken Egg vs Quail Egg: Cracking the Nutritional Profile

Eggs have become an unquestionable main character in the colorful fabric of human culinary history, assiduously integrating themselves into...

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VegetablesNutrition Articles Views: 26

Green Onions Unveiled: Nutritional Wonders

Greetings from the verdant haven of nourishment! We’re exploring the colorful world of green onions in this culinary journey—those...

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Food and DietsNutrition ArticlesSeafoods Views: 17

Prickly Pleasures: A Nutritional Guide on Cactus

A delightful excursion into the realm of the prickly wonder, Opuntiaficus-indica, or nopal cactus, is about to begin. Get ready!  This...

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Food and DietsNutrition ArticlesVegetables Views: 33

Split Yellow Peas: Nutrient-Rich Goodness

Prepare yourself for a pleasant excursion into the world of split yellow peas, scientifically known as Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon....

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Nutrition ArticlesVegetables Views: 12

Red Onion Riches: Nutritional Insights

Red onions are the hidden heroes of the colorful tapestry of culinary pleasures, contributing not only flavor and beauty to your meal but...

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Nutrition Articles Views: 49

Is Medication Prescription within a Nutritionist’s Realm?

Nutritionists are the stars of the complex dance between health and nutrition, helping people navigate the maze of food options to reach...

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Dairy ProductsNutrition Articles Views: 60

Chicken vs Duck Eggs: Comparing Taste & Nutrition

Eggs, both chicken and duck, have long been a mainstay in people’s diets across the world, providing a flexible and nutrient-dense...

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